Mae Zhao

Cornell University · BA Information Science and Technology ·

Portfolio of Web Design, Coding, and other significant projects.

Design Projects

Glitch Wave


A responsive music documentation, upload and streaming web site. Upload capabilities include the ability to upload new music, creating an account, and new playlists. Update capabilities include updating Titles, Authors, mp3 files, playlist, etc., of documented music entries. All update and upload capabilities (except for the log-in) are accessed through signing in as the administrator (username/password displayed on login page).

  • View all capabilities see the project README here.
  • View the design process containing design sketches, persona outlines, user testing, etc., here.
  • View the live site here, or click on the live image.

Ithaca Apple Harvest Festival

PHP, JavaScript

A responsive site intended to document various fictional food stands at Ithaca Apple Festival. Allows users the ability to check out popular stands (home page), view stands on map (map page), and order from a stand for pickup. The main feature of this project is the responsive order form and the use of PHP partials to simplify the site backend.

  • View the project README here.
  • View the design process here.
  • View the live site here, or click on the live image.

Suki's Love Adventures


A static blog used to document the fictional life of a rooster food stands at Ithaca Apple Festival. Main features include the user-oriented design.

  • View the project README here.
  • View the design process here.
  • View the live site here, or click on the live image.

Data Analysis and Visualization

Build-A-Board: Dynamic Chess Meta Visualization

SQL, JavaScript, d3

An dynamic visualization of Chess moves. The small group project visualizes which pieces are moved most often at different points during a chess game, and to which rows, columns, and cells they are most frequently moved. We also allow these results to be filtered by player level and color.

  • View the project: here.

Spotify JavaScript Static Visualization

SQL, JavaScript, d3

The small group project is a static visualization of Spotify genre statistics from top 200 songs from 2020 to 2021

  • View the project:here.

Analysis of Civil Disobedience

Python, numpy, pandas, sklearn

A small group python project analyzing civil disobedience in Asia. The project seeks to answer the following questions:

For protests against government in Asia, how are (1) the duration of the events, (2) the demands of such actions, and (3) the responses from the governments relate to the occurence of violent acts in protest events?

For countries in Asia, what are the connections between the state of democracy and press freedom and the occurence of violent acts in protests events?

Code Projects

OCAML Text Editor

OCAML, Data Structures, Functional Programming

Group project in which functional programming language OCAML was used to create a text editor. Created in CS 3110 at Cornell University.

Diving the Shortest Path

Java, Shortest Path Algorithm, Object Oriented Programming

Shortest path algorithm using provided UI from CS 2110 at Cornell University. Written in Java in Spring of 2019.