Suki's Love Adventures

About me🐤

I am the head of a small 2 hen flock. I love my wives very much! I am also a beautiful technologically savvy silvered feathered silkie rooster (#ChickensInTech)!

I love playing around with Mr. Dinosaur on google for fun, and my favorite FAVORITE food (even above mealworms!) are bananas! And my life goal (aside from becoming the best coder in the world) is to be the best husband I can be! If you're interested in my unique life as a coder rooster, then you are in luck!

Some questions I get a lot.

How old are you?
I am about 1 year old! I was adopted by my neighboor woman when I was just a just a fluffy tiny baby chick!
What breed of chicken are you?
I am a pround Silkie chicken! Fun fact! I have 6 toes unlike most other chickens.😉
Are you smaller than your wives?
Yes I am--being small was hard at first. I remember Cookie was particularly mean to me--she would peck at me a lot and fuss about my height. Back then Baby just ignored me all the time. But just because I am small does not mean I am a bad provider! In fact I can put on a mean sparring match with nosy humans! (Haha fragile human legs!! Fear my claws!). I am also supurb at finding the best morsels of food for Baby and Cookie, and those talents of mine allowed me to sit at the head of the roost!
How did you learn to code?
As a chick used to fall asleep sitting in the lap of the neighboor's daughter while she was coding. During that time I quickly learned to pick up an understanding of code and the rest is history. #ChickensInTech