Suki's Love Adventures

Cookie is mad 😠 😰

Suki distracting angry Cookie with food.

Cookie got mad at me today. It all happened when we were foraging this morning and I noticed that Cookie was straying from the group. She started to wander into an exposed patch of the yard (a perfect ambush spot for terrifying red tailed hawks!😨). I gave her some vocal calls to get her to come back but Cookie ignored me😭!! So I got a little frustrated and ran over to push her back to saftey.

Cookie wasn't so happy about that. She pecked me really hard😭. Eventually Cookie and I made up after I found her some dry corn sprinkled on a log. Phew!

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Introducing the family!👪

Suki and his wives, Cookie(black and white hen) and Baby (dark brown hen)

Hi internet! Meet my lovely wives and co-stars Cookie (black and white hen) and Baby (dark brown hen)! Cookie is very shy and Baby is very bold--the two of them make an interesting pair. I am in the back behind them keeping watch for any dangerous hawks as my ladies strut their stuff.

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First Post!🐓

Suki posing for his first blog post!

Hello Internet! Your friendly neighboorhood rooster here! Happy to finally have this blog up and running.✨